On 20/07/2018 01:30, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 20.07.2018 04:59, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> When I run the QA tests, some tests results in FAIL and others result in
>> What is the differences between these results?
> FAIL means the test executed OK, but its output doesn't match the
> expected one. ERROR means something bad happened so that the test
> couldn't execute properly - usually it means python runtime error,
> unhandled FB exceptions, failed pre-requisite actions, etc.
>> I run it with this command:
>> /fb/fbtest/fbtest.py \
>>     --bin-dir $FIREBIRD/bin \
>>     --host localhost \
>>     --client $FIREBIRD/lib/libfbclient.so \
>>     --db-dir /tmp/fbtest/db \
>>     --xunit \
>>     --verbose
> I use the helper binaries: fbt_run / fbt_archive / fbt_analyze.
>> Should different options be used for different Firebird versions?
> Nope, AFAIK.
>> How to produce a report like ones present in
>> http://web.firebirdsql.org/download/prerelease/results/ ?
> fbt_analyze

Thanks. Didn't known about these utilities.

But I have problem with many tests, that returns empty stdout.

For example:

FAIL: bugs.core_1171
Expected standard output from ISQL does not match actual output.

Ran 1 tests in 0.494s

FAILED (fails=1)

ISQL_stdout_actual is empty.

To make it work, I need to change test from:

 'test_script': "select cast ('-2.488355210669293e+39' as double
precision) from rdb$database;",


 select cast ('-2.488355210669293e+39' as double precision) from

What is happening?

This is with FB 3 - release and debug in Linux.


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