Forgot it 😉
CREATE !!! not alter first 😉

Karol Bieniaszewski

Od: Karol Bieniaszewski
Wysłano: poniedziałek, 29 października 2018 18:16
Do: For discussion among Firebird Developers
Temat: [Firebird-devel] Firebird4 sysdba install different then in FB3?

I can not add sysdba to Firebird4

I do the folowing:

P:\>cd Firebird4
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect employee user SYSDBA password masterkey;
Database: employee, User: SYSDBA
SQL> alter user sysdba set password 'masterkey';
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
modify record error
-Install incomplete, please read the Compatibility chapter in the release notes 
for this version

Is this procedure somechow different under FB4 now?

Karol Bieniaszewski

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