Currently I have several systems running FB2.5 or earlier along with stable versions of Nginx ( replacing Apache ) and PHP5.x Some are even still running on XP because of hardware that later versions of windows will not support, although it seems the key there is only to run 32bit versions of W10 to gain access to the parallel port.

These have been running perfectly stably for years but obviously there are requests from sites to 'upgrade'. Those sites that are now running W10-32bit have now all been configured to reboot over night as a few days of running invariably gets niggles where XP gave in some cases YEARS without a reboot! Some machines have 20 years worth of data back to Interbase days.

Currently I've got one of the servers running PHP7.2.5 with FB3.0.4 except it's reporting LI-V6.3.2.32703 Firebird 3.0 in PHP and checking back with yast I'm seeing 3.0.2 for libfbclient2. The problem is I'm getting occasional reports of errors which I HAVE now pined down to the sites running on FB3 while the sites using FB2.5 from another server seem fine. I am presuming that libfbclient2 is accessing both version servers ... but need to work out why the client has not updated.

The switch of web stack came about in something of a rush after a disk failure and the server was switched from SUSE13.1 which is no longer accessible repo wise to Leap 15.0 which is the latest SUSE STABLE distribution! So the versions used are as provided and updated by that version. I had the problem initially trying to get access to the FB3.0.2 server, but since everything IS backed up it was simple to just switch to a working FB2.5 server short term ... although that has been some time ago now :(

I've been slowly working through getting the development machine upgraded to Leap15.0 which is more problematic than the servers which are running text only and just a web stack. But I now have all four screens working with Gnome (having kicked KDE into the long grass) and on the whole it's now stable - except I can't get access to github via TortoiseHG which has been my stable access route for MANY years and all my local code tracking is on Mercurial in parallel with Git or SVN as required for the third party libraries. I have at least got FlameRobin working despite problems with the problems between versions of graphics libraries and it seems that is part of the problem with TortoiseHG.

*SO* I'm a little wary of changing elements which are not directly supported by Leap15.0 such as to FB3.0.4 or later versions of PHP and Nginx along with the development platform based on Eclipse. However the development server IS showing instability and is giving me quite regular crashes due to PHP failing to access the database with a message that Username and password are not set, but a second load works fine!

Keeping PHP working with Firebird is a major headache anyway and the interface does need some attention from someone more capable on the C side than me but simply working through the Firebird side what is the SAFE way to update the installation on SUSE Leap 15 and get it all updated and even if I do will it fix the problem. I know I can roll back to FB2.5 and I do now have queries that avoid the new bits in FB3 but with FB4 now appearing there is a further minefield on the horizon with timezone management hand grenades on the side! So just where DO I start trying to get back to a stable platform?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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