I wonder would it be possible to make Firebird 4 work with ODS 12 (Firebird
3) databases?

Before Firebird 3 it was relatively easy to upgrade your Firebird server -
your databases could stay in the old ODS and be upgraded one by one, and it
was easier to go back in case of incompatibilities.
But when you upgrade the server to Firebird 3, you have to upgrade all its
databases to the new ODS at the same time, and it is much harder to go
back. I believe this holds the upgrade to Firebird 3 for many of us.

Now with Firebird 4 the situation seems the same. I was hoping the new
plugin architecture could help with this, so I copied an engine12.dll to
the plugins directory of Firebird 4 beta, and added two lines in the
respective databases.conf entry for the ODS 12 database:
     Providers = Engine12
     SecurityDatabase = $(dir_secDb)/security4.fdb
This made it possible to connect to the database, but every attempt to
execute a statement ended up with 'Interface IStatement version too old:
expected 4, found 3'.

Would it be very difficult to provide version 4 compatible engine12.dll?

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