I'm trying to set up asynchronous replication and, afaict, I have
followed all the steps in the release notes correctly. But replication
does not happen. Here is the config:


database = /srv/data/active/ods130/bmsql_smoketest.fdb
    log_directory = /var/fb4-replication/bmsql_smoketest
    log_archive_directory = /var/fb4-replication/archlog/bmsql_smoketest
    log_archive_timeout = 10
    verbose_logging = true


database = /srv/data/active/ods130/bmsql_smoketest.fdb
  log_source_directory = /var/fb4-replication/bmsql_smoketest
  verbose_logging = true

The target db is set -replica read_only. (I also tried -read_write)
The log directory is set 777.
The segments appear in the log directory.
The segments are copied to the archive directory, but not removed.
Both servers can see the log directory.
Nothing is written to the target database.
Nothing is written to the either of the replication logs.

What am I missing?

(BTW, synchronous replication 'just works'.)


Paul Reeves
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