Embarcadero provide in marketing materials comparision about Interbase vs 
and comparision to others
Normally i omit marketing materials but
there are some interesting details and much interesting summary in second link 
(InterBase v Firebird - summary: InterBase is faster).
I personally have the opposite experience that Firebird is faster.
But in the first link they have presented "technical" comparision and they run 
TPC-C test against Interbase and Firebird. 
I know, without details about configuration and test preparation it is quite 
But do you have some TPC-C test results? Do you also got performance 
degradation drops like they shown on the graph?
Do you have some comparision about natural scan time difference? They present 
that it is 5 times slower in Firebird.
I post it to develop group as this is marketing material from Embarcadero and i 
do not need to provide propaganda.
Karol Bieniaszewski
Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

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