On 13-02-2021 11:20, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
13.02.2021 08:13, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
Maybe we need a TRUNCATE_TIME_ZONE function, which for a TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE will return a WITHOUT TIME ZONE equivalent with the same wallclock time.

  We could borrow general-purpose TRUNC() from Oracle but personally I would prefer standard CAST().

Firebird already has a TRUNC. We already decided that CAST wasn't the route to go, what are your arguments to reverse that decision?

The current behaviour of CAST to me makes more sense than the behaviour defined in the standard. I can see that there might be cases when you might want the time without time zone information as in the original zone, but I think those cases are rare.

Mark Rotteveel

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