
Do you have any plans for a Firebird 4 final release date?

We have run several Tests of Firebird 4 agains Firebird 2.5 (our live System) 
and don‘t found any bad bugs for our usecase.

We switsch totally to FB 4 for our developer environment without.

We compare several hundred SQLs between 2.5 (32 Bit) and 4 (64 Bit) in a 24 
hour load test (permanent 20 connections) and found:

The Optimizer works in different way, we have to change some SQLs for this. For 
us no Problem.

In total FB 4 is faster compared to FB 2.5. Some querys are slower. 

Especially if we select a single record in tables with more then 500.000 
records. In this case 2.5 is faster, if you have several thousend querys (in 
our case, we have  to look at this)

We changed for FB 4 from pagesize 16 to 32 this should be the cause.

Finnally we found no real probleme that prevent us from using FB 4.

We want to use FB 4 to create several slaves (minimal 2) from our main DB an 
want to setup a load balancer in our web system to steer readonly querys to the 
For this we setup a syncron replication test with one master and 2 slaves. For 
the test drive master and slaves are on the same virtual machine.

We drive our typical write procedures (Import a lot of data) again this test 
environment an don’t found an problems (at this time).

In real live the master and the slaves are on several virtual machines in a 
20GB Network. 

This situation we can‘t test but the current results give us the security that 
it works.

For us FB 4 passed all tests.

I am available for questions.

With best regards 

Nils Bödeker

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at 

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