19.05.2021 19:40, Omacht András wrote:
If anyone has an idea of what can be used instead, I would greatly appreciate 

  You can rewrite the UDF into UDR function.

 but please, this should not be the suggestion:

select extract(year from cast('NOW' as timestamp)) || '.' ||
       lpad(extract(month from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || '.' ||
       lpad(extract(day from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ' ' ||
       lpad(extract(hour from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ':' ||
       lpad(extract(minute from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0') || ':' ||
       lpad(extract(second from cast('NOW' as timestamp)), 2, '0')
from rdb$database

  Why not if it is hidden inside of SQL function.

My opinion is that formatting must be done ONLY on user workstation because only there it can use user's system settings.

  WBR, SD.

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