Isn’t such documentation already available by the new API developers?
I cannot imagine to have not comparision between every code in old vs new api.
Its benefits, comparision with simplicity about use, speed, memory usage, 
And the final conclusion why new API is better then old one as it was accepted 
and preffered.

It only require some rework for publicity or simply show it as draft and then 

Karol Bieniaszewski

Od: Mark Rotteveel
Wysłano: sobota, 22 maja 2021 09:39
Temat: Re: [Firebird-devel] Increasing CHAR/VARCHAR max. length to 64KB

On 22-05-2021 09:19, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 22.05.2021 10:06, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>> The majority of our users probably still use the old API, either 
>> directly or indirectly. Given the undocumented state of the new API, I 
>> suspect it does not see a lot of usage, nor will it unless that changes.
>> Introducing features that only benefit users of the new API, which - 
>> to be a bit hyperbolic - primarily seem to be the Firebird core 
>> developers themselves, seems a bit off to me.
>> What is the point of this, and what is the benefit to our users?
> This sounds similar to the Dialect 1 problem. If all the new features 
> are also available in the old API, what's the point for users to migrate 
> to the new one? (even if we'd have an API guide published).

I acknowledge that it is a bit of chicken-and-egg problem, but I think 
first more work needs to be done to actually **document** the new API, 
with basic examples to demonstrate it.

If users don't know where to start or how to use it, then even new shiny 
features probably won't motivate enough to switch. And lets not forget 
the increased risk that having to invest to switch anyway, people might 
consider switching to an entirely different DBMS), which I think is 
bigger than with dialect 1 vs 3.

Mark Rotteveel

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