On 8/20/21 4:01 PM, Tony Whyman wrote:


With my test data, the buffer overflow occurs after several thousand calls to IBatch::add. The number of message buffers lost is of the order of hundreds. I don't want to have to keep a copy of every message buffer as that could result in other out of memory issues.

My problem is that the number of message buffers that may be lost on buffer overflow appears to be indeterminate. It would be more useful if when IBatch is created, I could specify a message buffer limit and the internal buffers were allocated in advance.

You can specify such limit - use IBatch::TAG_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE parameter in batch parameters block when creating a batch, default is 16Mb, hard limit - 256Mb. Ywo such buffers will be available - one for messages data, other - for blobs.
Well, in theory OOM can take place later, but that is abnormal case.

Alternatively, I could also work with an IBatch method that told me the minimum number of guaranteed calls to IBatch::add (for a given message buffer size). Other suggestions are welcome.

Divide what you've requested in TAG_BUFFER_BYTES_SIZE by getAlignedLength() of your message. But be aware that this will not work when/if we move to variable message size and string field with unrestricted length.

I believe that a solution is necessary because you cannot use IBatch for any large scale use without knowing what you need to do to recover from a buffer overflow error without losing user data.

With current fixed format of messages solution is trivial. I believe that when adding var-length forma we will add required support to easily get it's actual length as stored in a buffer.

Blobs are more serious issue. To make sure blob data also fits into buffer one need to calculate it's actual size for which I suppose is worth adding a function to IBatch iface which will help with that task (there is getBlobAlignment but it's not enough).

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