On 04.09.2021 20:06, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
On 03/09/2021 15:04, Mike Kaganski wrote:
On 03.09.2021 15:44, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
Did you have OO-built isql.exe?
Did you tested OO-built tools outside OO (with ISQL)?

Yes there is in our builddir. But it is unable to open a database,
reporting "Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08006
Unable to complete network request to host "xnet://Global\FirebirdIPI".".

I do not know the patches you applied. I see LibreOffice install does
not looks like Firebird install (there is no plugins directory).

Thank you, and everyone who answered and helped me to find and solve this puzzle!

The problem turned out to be the memory corruption due to wrong value of FB_ALIGNMENT, which was detected on Windows in ./configure, but failed due to inclusion of POSIX <semaphore.h>; the error value returned was 2, and the ./configure logic used that error value as the alignment value instead of proper 4 or 8. The layout of sort memory pool got completely broken. Of course, this is a customized build process used in LibreOffice, and the native build doesn't have this problem.

FTR, I have created https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/121753 to do the proper detection in our build.

Thanks again to everyone participating in the creation of this great project!

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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