On 10/02/2022 13:34, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> Dmitry Yemanov wrote 10.02.2022 17:28:
>>> Only if such translation is made right. Remember charset introducers.
>> They're a problem, but it may only cause a cache miss, not a false
>> match, right?
>   Yes, they can only cause miss but I'm not sure about literals as
> whole. Are they stored in execution tree already transliterated or with
> charset mark?
>   Can the query "insert into t values ('абв')" sent from attachment with
> different charsets (win1251 and utf-8 for example) hit the cache at all?
> Should it?..

Please also note that transform queries to parameterized ones may be
problematic for future optimizer improvements (histograms).


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