Hi Thomas,

> I think I'll do the chapter "Context variables", which is currently
> marked "to be written", as my first contribution to the Language
> Reference.
> My plan is to collate what's already there from the Language Reference
> Updates, compile it into a single chapter, then add what's still
> missing.

You only need the chapter from the 2.5 LRU. The best approach is probably
to copy that chapter, edit the existing sections as necessary and add the
missing bits.

Talking about chapters: I propose that we create a separate file for each
chapter, e.g. langref25-intro.xml, langref25-contextvars.xml etc.

The LRU 25 has already become awkwardly large (over 20,000 lines), and
the full LangRef will be a lot bigger.

If you guys (that's Dmitry and Thomas, but of course others are also
welcome to comment) agree with splitting the source, I suggest we put it
in a separate subdir (e.g. refdocs/langref/langref25), given the number
of source files that will result from the split.

Further, I'd like to use xincludes instead of entity references to link
the chapters to the parent document. Xincludes have several advantages,
the most beneficial probably being that you can leave the DOCTYPE header
in the child documents. (We should probably replace all entity includes
in the tree with xincludes, but there's no hurry.)

Until now, what kept us from using xincludes is that it broke the build
process, but I've found a solution for that (it turns out to be rather
simple, but I'm too tired to explain it now).

Paul Vinkenoog

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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