I have made an initial conversion to git, the results are on https://github.com/mrotteveel/test-firebird-documentation (hosted on my account while doing testing)

There are some differences when comparing against a CVS checkout (with TortoiseCVS):

- A branch 'd_jencks' from near the start of the project has surfaced, I'll see if I can filter that one out or otherwise I'll delete it manually (IIRC this was a cross-module branch, I recall seeing it in Jaybird as well when I migrated from CVS to Subversion a few years ago)

- Tags previously not visible in CVS have shown up (not really important)

- Git has no keyword expansion, and in the current config of the conversion, things like $Id$ are collapsed (instead of - as an example - "$Id: formal.xsl,v 1.1 2007/04/15 16:33:16 paulvink Exp $"); I think I'll leave that as is, on master there is only a single occurrence (in src\docs\xsl\fo\formal.xsl)

- Four files have a difference in line-endings (LF in git vs CRLF in CVS) while other files do have the same line-endings. It is normal that git stores line-endings in text files as LF, but my git config on Windows should normally change these back to CRLF on checkout. I'll see if I can tweak that, but attempts to fix similar problems in the OdbcJdbc module conversion where unsuccessful.

Note that this difference in line-endings shouldn't be a real problem, but might cause a lot of irrelevant whitespace changes when committing changes to these files.

I'll be performing more test conversion tomorrow (in numbered variants of this repository).

If you have time to test and compare, I'd be happy to get your feedback.


Mark Rotteveel

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