Perhaps I might be able to lend a little help on the DDEX front ...

Here's a few changes to the reg file that should make Firebird packageless. Replace any occurrance of "VisualStudio" with "VWDExpress" to make the reg file work on that Express edition:

----- Cut Here -----
ÿþWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Firebird Data Source"


@=".NET Framework Data Provider for Firebird"
"DisplayName"="Provider_DisplayName, FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.Properties.Resources" "ShortDisplayName"="Provider_ShortDisplayName, FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.Properties.Resources" "Description"="Provider_Description, FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.Properties.Resources"







----- Cut Here -----

The changes above are to replace the FactoryService entry with Codebase, and specify the full path to the design-time DLL.

The second change was to add class locations to many of the SupportedObjects. Not all of them need to be explicitly declared -- some of them are instantiated from FbDataConnectionSupport.

Getting it to work in the other Express Editions is a little more complicated.

Now then, as for the VSIP SDK requirement in order to get the DDEX packaged provider working ... Carlos, run right over to the website and register there! Once registered, you can create a product and request a Package Load Key.

Once you get a PLK granted, you can then add the PLK contents to the satellite DLL, and add a few more keys to the reg file, and then nobody will have to download the VSIP SDK in order to use the Firebird DDEX provider anymore.

Furthermore, if you really want to get clever, you can do a neat little trick in FbDataConnectionProperties so that you no longer have to register the Firebird data provider in the GAC in order to use the designer. It requires some more reg file changes however.


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