Peter Gissel wrote:
> I am using the Firebird .Net driver for database io in Visual Studio 2005 
> .Net 2.0 C#. I have three different threads accessing data. I keep getting 
> "Dynamic SQL Error" Exceptions. The error is fairly random but usually 
> involves an odd character out of place for a field or table name, resulting 
> in an error. I have tried using a separate connections for each thread, and 
> I have tried putting all database IO inside Monitor.Enter()/Monitor.Exit 
> blocks, but the error still occurs. If I put all my code into one thread and 
> run things sequentially the errors go away. I get these errors using a 
> server or embedded. As far as I can tell, this type of access should be safe 
> as long as I use a unique connection in each thread. I have tried the some 
> thing with SQL Server 2005 but could not duplicate the error.
> Is there a thread-safe way to access data using Firebird .Net? 

Each connection can only have one command executing at once, but you 
should be using connection pooling anyway (i.e. open connection; execute 
command; close connection) so that shouldn't ever be a problem.

What is the code you're using to generate the commands? and when you get 
the error, what does the statement look like?


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