Hi Hellen,

> In Firebird 2 and higher you will get this exception if you have an
> AFTER trigger that attempts to update a column in the table that owns
> the trigger.

That table have 5 triggers, 3 for Before Insert, 1 for Before Delete and 1
for Before Update.
If I deactivate trigger from Before Delete it works!
It's strange because I have 1 trigger for each operation with the same
definition (inserting into a log table some values and operation type as "U"
for update, "I" for insert,etc),the difference is the type of operation!

> As to the rest, you have a confusion of cursors there, as well as a
> confusion of table/set qualifiers.  Study the Firebird 2/2.1 release
> notes to understand why some of your statements might now be "illegal".
> However, the exception you are seeing is not one of those that you
> would see as a result of the errors in your stored procedure.  I think
> you will discover its cause in a trigger.

This trigger definition is over my all tables, more than 200 (to log
operations maded on each table, if is activated),and works ok for 2 years
now!I will debug the SP to see what's happening !

> >If I run SP from IBExpert works as expected with both FB SS versions.
> Are you actually executing it, or just running it in the IBExpert
> debugger?  If the latter, it is likely that you need to upgrade your
> IBExpert to a version that supports Firebird 2 and higher.  Firebird
> 1.5 and below were more tolerant to poorly-qualified SQL statements
> which means that older debugging tools are no longer valid.

I'm using IBExpert personal edition, this version does'n have any debugger!
I have modified my SP to return values and works ok from IBExpert and isql !

Best regards,

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