Thanks Helen and Roman!

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Helen Borrie
> Sent: 21 April 2008 02:32
> To: 'For users and developers of the Firebird .NET providers'
> Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Service API and nbackup
> At 03:07 AM 21/04/2008, Mercea Paul wrote:
> >> On 4/20/08, Mercea Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >  Is there a way to specify for Backup service to use nbackup and
> make
> >> >  incremental backup?
> >>
> >> No. AFAIK nbackup isn't available thru Service API.
> >
> >Nether I can find any link to api for nbackup..hope you know more!
> There isn't an API.  nBak and nBackup are plug-in applications and as
> such they are clients that *use* the API, much as any other application
> does.
> The Services API isn't a nice, clean, extensible interface like the
> engine API, unfortunately.  It is a cocktail of functions passing
> parameters to a mishmash of embedded code, macros and who-knows-what.
> I mean, literally, the code for gbak, gfix, gsec and so on is
> duplicated in the engine!  Bloating the engine with more optional code
> is not part of the Firebird design strategy - so forget about an API
> for nbackup or other plug-ins ever being available through the Services
> API as currently implemented!
> The good news is that a new API encompassing both pluggable and
> internal code is on the drawing board, if not for Fb 3.0 then for a
> v.3.x.  This is going to open the doors for a correct and future-safe
> way to do things:  not just incremental backup but pluggable security,
> replication, search engines, external procedures and whatever anyone
> wants to dream about right now...
> Helen
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