Try This

FbConnection m_obConexionDB = null;
sConexion = @"ServerType=0;DataSource=xxx.xzz.xxx.xxx;Port=9999;user=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;" +
                       "Charset=NONE;Packet Size=32767;Fetch Size=100; Database=DBName";
m_obConexionDB = new FbConnection(sConexion);
DataTable datTable = new DataTable();
FbDataAdapter dataAdapter = null;
    if (obConexionDB.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
    dataAdapter = new FbDataAdapter(sOrdenSQL, m_obConexionDB);

    obGrid.DataSource = datTable;
catch (FbException obError)
    m_iError = obError.Errors[0].Number;
    m_sError = obError.Errors[0].Message;

Dabiel escribió:
I am trying to work in ASP without installing the DDEX.I use VS2005, ASP 
Net 2.0, Firebird 2.0.1 and the Firebird provider client.

I have added the FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient reference in the ASP 

My code is:

    SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource(
        "select name from customer");

    GridView1.DataSource = ds;

but nothing appears in the web page. What am I doing wrong? I am 
spending many hours because they are new tools for me, so a help will be 

Thank you

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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