You could try to specify pooling and connection timeout like:
connectionString="character set=NONE;initial catalog=database.FDB;user
id=SYSDBA;password=pass;data source=localhost;Connection
This is not 100% solution for your problem, but you could give a try!
From: Ali Erdogan []
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 23:23
To: For users and developers of the Firebird .NET providers
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Fw: Connetion pooling problem
Hi Mercea,
connectionString="character set=NONE;initial catalog=database.FDB;user
id=SYSDBA;password=pass;data source=localhost"
I use Firebird .net provider, IIS 6 and win server2003
There is only this application on this server.
From: Mercea Paul <>
To: For users and developers of the Firebird .NET providers
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 21:52:29
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Fw: Connetion pooling problem
Hi Ali
How is your connection string looks like?
Pooling is set to true ?
From: Ali Erdogan []
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 16:01
Subject: [Firebird-net-provider] Fw: Connetion pooling problem
I have an application written on with Firebird .net provider and
Firebird Classic 1.5.2
I have a connection string in my web.config file and i always use this con
string to establish a connection.
However when i check the number of the connections in the pool i see more then
one connection in the pool. And by the incrising the number of the connections
in the pool the connection is getting blocked.
I am carefull to close the connections.
Do i make something wrong?
Ali Erdoğan / İstanbul / Türkiye
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