Tue, 04 May 2010 20:44:51 +0300, Jiri Cincura <disk...@cincura.net>:

> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 15:25, Ivan Arabadzhiev
> <intelru...@unrealsoft.net> wrote:
>> So having inactive queries a few hours after their transactions have  
>> ended
>> does not mean I messed up? :)
> Not necessarily.

Ok, so the reason I asked in the first place was that I noticed the  
fbclient.dll can allocate statements which are not automatically freed  
(doing a Qt project, not too happy with Qt SQL ideas, long story), so I  
was wondering if the .net provider is  designed in the same way.

I keep a single connection open sometimes for 16 hours a day, but  
transactions are rarely longer than 15-45 seconds (mostly small reads or  
nowait writes with short timeout) and I`ve made a habbit of  
double-checking transaction status at the end of functions (plus the fact  
I can start new ones suggests I don`t have any uncommited just staying  
there). The statements are in 0 state, but I just though I should ask if  
any other deallocation should take place.

The server firebird server hasn`t crashed in more than an year, and I  
don`t reboot, so I assume if resources are leaking - they are not a lot.

Sanity is a sin!

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