On 2011.01.11 10:18 AM, Jiri Cincura wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 21:35, Mercea Paul<paul.mer...@almexa.ro>  wrote:
>> fbembed.dll is in \bin directory of the published site, but i get error.
>> I'll try again this week!
> In ASP.NET it's worker process' location what matters. If the server
> isn't under your control, you will need to use ClientLibrary.
The server is hosted and i have no control of anything! I can just copy 
files to server!
The server  have IIS 7 and ASP.Net with support for .Net Framework 4.0, 
3.5, 3.0 and 2.0.
Thats the reason i need to specify in connectionstring the client 
library, without any other functions!


Mercea Paul

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