I need to play some tricks, I am not at liberty to get into the
details on why, so please do not ask.

I have a situation where 3rd party code is using the results of the
Firebird query.  This is not the case, but it is similar:  The 3rd
party code demands that the type be an System.UInt16, if it is not
that specific type, it blows up.

So, the solution I have come up with is to add a new domain type
UINT16 and it a base type that will hold the value.  Then hack the
Firebird .Net provider such that the DbField.GetDbDataType() detect
that the value is this special domain type and return a new

Folks, I know there might be some holes in this approach based on the
info provided, but I simply am not providing all the facts because I
am simply not at liberty to disclose them.  I know, without any doubt
that this approach will for the real situation, iff I can figure out
the relationship between the isc_info_sql_type/isc_info_sql_sub_type
and the domain type.

When I look at the values, the isc_info_sql_sub_type is that of the
base type of the domain, the isc_info_sql_type has a value of
isc_info_sql_sub_type + 1.  When I look in rdb$fields table, I don't
find the numeric value of the isc_info_sql_type, nor do I find any
relationship between the two.

Can someone shield some light on this?


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