Hi *,

I'm thinking about deprecating T4 template that is available for Model
First when you want to generate the model. It's a PIA to maintain it.
It needs to be completely independent from other code (because you
need only it when running it inside VS). The T4 is a good for
templating. But thanks to EF's way of working we have a fair amount of
logic there, which gets worse with every new version of EF.

I have strong doubts somebody ever used it (questioning also Model
First's itself usage). Because you need to 1) get it from somewhere
(it's not inside VS), 2) put it into one of basically three
directories VS is looking into, 3) select it in EF's designer. Then
you can use it. And it's purely developer-side stuff.

On the other hand, I still manage support for
ObjectContext.CreateDatabaseScript. That works and will work. Also we
have now EF's Migrations (currently not RTMed for Firebird). Not the
same stuff, but there's a big overlap and it's even more powerful.

Thus if I'll not receive any objections, I'll remove it.

Jiri {x2} Cincura (x2develop.com founder)
http://blog.cincura.net/ | http://www.ID3renamer.com

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