Yeah. I would need to discuss this with other project admins. So it might
not work at all. GitHub has support for organisations so that's even better
for project (the repo would be official).

On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, André Knappstein wrote:

> Jiri,
> not so that you get an impression we were not interested, just because
> we  do  not  actively take part in the discussion. Most of us probably
> are   convinced   that "no objection == full approval" and prefer keep
> on  just  lurking  and not to choke the mailing list when there is not
> really much to say.
> But maybe from time to time it is good if someone like me *is* choking
> the line to show that we are still alive :-)
> Working with the source code is something I would personally not do in
> the   near   future.  I certainly would be able to, I have to do so in
> more  situations  than  I'd like (with other software packages). But I
> only  do  so  if there is absolutely no other way. Developers of those
> packages  usually  post  the  code on their own websites, or even send
> them via e-mail.
> The only time I tried to download the source for a personal rebuild
> concerning Firebird (about 8 months ago) I found that doing so from
> SourceForge was too complicated and I had to give it up. But it does
> not necessarily mean that I could manage this better from Git.
> Your  arguments  sound very reasonable in any case, and most of all it
> makes  your work easier. When your work is easier it helps you to help
> me in the future, so I certainly approve this idea.
> I  see  a potential problem only where a generalist developer is quite
> used  to SF and still finds all his other sources there and would have
> to acquaint another source location just for the .net provider.
> But,  then  again, nobody said that life as a developer has to be free
> from  obstacles  all  the  time,  and if you never change anything you
> won't ever improve something.
> best regards,
> André Knappstein
> > Hi *,
> > maybe you remember the thread "Releasing more often???". Yeah and
> > nothing happened. :) Because there was not a strong protest, I think
> > it's something we all 'd like to have.
> > I was lately really pissed of by SF's SVN. If you worked with it, not
> > just committing, I think just using it, you can feel my pain. So first
> > part of the improving I'd like to offer moving to Git on GitHub. I'm
> > not a fan of GitHub (I like BitBucket, if somebody asks), but it's a
> > de-facto standard in OSS.
> > With this we will also gain benefits like downloading the sources
> > packed, downloadig specific version etc.
> > Also I'd like to release *only* on NuGet and latest version for latest
> > framework as MSI (on website). The rest can be downloaded/extracted
> > from NuGet. We now support just .NET 3.5 SP1 and later, thus at least
> > VS2010 and so NuGet is available to everybody. And even that, you can
> > grab NuGet.exe and download from command line, if you want (i.e.
> > you're hard-core developer using Notepad and csc only :)). Both these
> > with higher cadence, shorter release loop as mentioned in previous
> > thread.
> > Maybe I'm too optimistic, so please let me know what you think and
> > what you think is going not work. ;)
> > JC
> > --
> > Jiri {x2} Cincura ( founder)
> > |
> >
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> mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> André Knappstein
> EDV und Controlling
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