Hello there, 
can you send me your delphi dotnet project and I can understand what takes 18 
I D1, D3, D5, D7 & VS2005-> VS2013. 
I develop mainly in DotNet (RemObjects) and just so happens that, in normal 
use, dotnet is better than an application server delphi



   Norbert Saint Georges


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De : Alexander Muylaert-Gelein [mailto:amuylaert_gel...@hotmail.com] 
Envoyé : samedi 9 août 2014 00:11
À : firebird-net-provider@lists.sourceforge.
Objet : Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Questions with performance metrics doing 
large inserts into DB




Attached some examples of transactions properly set.


If you can put the reader in "readonly"  and the writer in "WriteNoUndo", you 
gain some speed.  But euh, no magic to expect here.  It might be interesting to 
profile it though and post the results back.


public static class Transaction
     private static FbTransactionOptions s_WriteTransaction = new 
         TransactionBehavior = FbTransactionBehavior.Write |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.ReadCommitted |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.RecVersion |
         WaitTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10) //seconds
     public static FbTransactionOptions WriteTransactions
             return s_WriteTransaction;
     private static FbTransactionOptions s_WriteNoUndoTransaction = new 
         TransactionBehavior = FbTransactionBehavior.Write |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.ReadCommitted |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.RecVersion |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.Wait |
         WaitTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10) //seconds
     public static FbTransactionOptions WriteNoUndoTransactions
             return s_WriteTransaction;
     private static FbTransactionOptions s_ReadTransaction = new 
         TransactionBehavior = FbTransactionBehavior.Read |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.ReadCommitted |
                               FbTransactionBehavior.RecVersion |
     public static FbTransactionOptions ReadTransactions
             return s_ReadTransaction;
     public static FbTransaction BeginReadTransaction(this FbConnection 
         return aConnection.BeginTransaction(s_ReadTransaction);
     public static FbTransaction BeginWriteTransaction(this FbConnection 
         return aConnection.BeginTransaction(s_WriteTransaction);
     public static FbTransaction BeginWriteNoUndoTransaction(this FbConnection 
         return aConnection.BeginTransaction(s_WriteTransaction);


I read somewhere that Looping in .NET is somewhat slower than in Delphi, but 
there are things you can do optimize the .NET loops.


Agreed, some tricks might be applied.  But that will bring you down from 18.7 
seconds to 18.69998 seconds.  Optimizing loops is actually not the way to go.  


What you could do is make a small test project.  with a few simple tables.  Add 
your simulations to it and make sure it compiles.  Then, if you have these 
minimal projects building, I would like to receive a copy and I can profile for 


Maybe I can already see what is wrong.  Like Jiri mentioned.  .Net is slower 
then this FIB/FBClient (c++) dll.  But let us assume that is 10% overhead.  So 
4 seconds delphi => 5 seconds .net is fine for me.  18 seconds...  I'm 
interested in speeding things up then  :-)







From: emendez...@nc.rr.com
To: firebird-net-provider@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 09:41:03 -0400
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Questions with performance metrics doing 
large inserts into DB



Thank you for the feedback.


>>Two more things...  


>>1.  Your transaction parameters please.  How do you create them, what 

To be honest I've never really thought about the transaction settings other 
than the default. Are there a specific settings I should be using for just 
reading "stale" data?

>>2.  Did you check your "source-read" logic.  Cound you maybe fake data, so we 
>>know if it is the "insert" that is slow.  Maybe the materializing of the 
>>source record is slow or fetching it?

I was doing further testing last night and removed the insert logic to see if 
it was the reading of the data that was slowing it down. with the removal of 
the Insert Logic and just reading and looping for 5000 iterations, it still 
slower than Delphi's results. For the read Logic I was using Dapper dot net and 
retrieving the results un-buffered (one row at a time). I then eliminated 
Dapper and it still was slower than Delphi. I then tried an OleDB Provider and 
that was a little faster than the .Net provider, but still slower than Delphi. 


In retrospect I might have jumped the gun in blaming the Write performance of 
the .Net Provider. I think I need to try to optimize the read logic, then move 
on to the Write Logic.


I read somewhere that Looping in .NET is somewhat slower than in Delphi, but 
there are things you can do optimize the .NET loops. 


Thank you,


Edward Mendez


From: Alexander Muylaert-Gelein [mailto:amuylaert_gel...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 8, 2014 1:54 AM
To: firebird-net-provider@lists.sourceforge.
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Questions with performance metrics doing 
large inserts into DB


Hi Edward


I'm also coming from a delphi background (using FIB) and we have ported/are 
already porting for 5 years our applications to .net.  I have noticed indeed 
that Delphi/fib is faster then .net provider.  But never in the magnitude of 
500%.  It looked acceptable slower.


Your "write" code seems to be correct and pretty optimal.  Usually people 
recreate a command each time.  I've also done some profiling in the past and 
I've noticed that keeping a reference to the parameter doesn't help much.  A 
slightly slower method, but way less code is to "clear" the parameters and 
recreate them.   Once again, It is slightly slower, neglectible, but in your 
scenario 170 lines of code less.  


using (command = new command){

  var par = command.Parameters

   while (! Eof){








On the other hand Firebird is an open source database and also the .net 
provider.  Jiri (the guy supporting this) is getting a few bucks per month to 
support this.  We, as a company, sometimes sponsor these things by testing, 
benchmarking or lazy picking up the bill.  Since you have a testing environment 
up and running, you might walk the extra mile and help everybody by profiling a 
bit deeper?  This would benefit you, me and everybody.  


Two more things...  


1.  Your transaction parameters please.  How do you create them, what settings?

2.  Did you check your "source-read" logic.  Cound you maybe fake data, so we 
know if it is the "insert" that is slow.  Maybe the materializing of the source 
record is slow or fetching it?


Looking forward for tackling this thing.











From: emendez...@nc.rr.com
To: firebird-net-provider@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 18:14:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Questions with performance metrics doing 
large inserts into DB

Hello All,


I have to develop an application that will move "old/stale" data from certain 
tables to another FB DB. We already have an existing application that did 
something similar to this, but his application is written using Delphi 5 and we 
are a .NET shop and wanted to develop newer applications using .NET 
technologies so we can reuse our developer resources. Little by Little we have 
been migrating off from Delphi5 to .NET.


In our shop we are running various instances of FB on 2.14 Classic on CentOS 
5.6. Our Database is larger than 250GB. 


In past .NET projects I have used Dapper dot Net and thought that this might 
fit the requirements. 


We developed a working prototype of what we wanted I had our testers run the 
application to see what they thought. To my dismay, they informed me that the 
performance was terrible.

In some cases we need to archive millions of rows to the other Database. And it 
seemed using dapper was not giving us acceptable results. The users said that 
using the old Delphi applications was quicker when archiving data ( that Delphi 
application has functionality that also archives different data to other 


I wanted to have a baseline test so we can compare apples to apples. 


I trimmed down the prototype to eliminate Dapper dot net and use straight 
ADO.NET  for the Inserts using the latest Firebird.NET provider on .NET 4.5.1. 

                In the application once the data was retrieved I read it one 
row at a time, because trying to read in over a million rows into memory would 
cause Out of Memory issues. A sample of the code I am using is shown below. As 
I looped over the results, I reported on every 1000 rows and calculated elapsed 
times every 5000 rows. Running this application from various computers in our 
infrastructure to various target DBs the best performance I got was 19 seconds 
for 5000 rows. 


I then put on my Delphi Hat On and created a small app that did similar to what 
the .NET app is doing and the Delphi app's performance blew away the .NET 
performance with a consistent 5000 rows @ 4 seconds. This is Delphi5! >From the 
year 1999. I also have to add that I am using the FIBPlus data components from 


Below is an edited version of my .NET code.


query = @"Select *** Here is my Select Query from the Source DB *** ";


// This is using dapper.net to retrieve the rows I need.

var en = db_source.Query<TABLE_A_DTO>(query, new { ARCHIVE_SET_ID = 
m_archiveSetId, ARCHIVE_DATA_TYPE = _tableName }, srcTransaction, buffered: 

int totalUpdated = 0;

JobStartTime = DateTime.Now;



            using (FbConnection db_target = 


                  FbTransaction transaction = db_target.BeginTransaction();

                  m_isInTransaction = true;


                  using (FbCommand command = new FbCommand(_updateSQL, 
db_target, transaction))



                        command.Parameters.Add("TABLE_A_ID", FbDbType.Integer);


                              // There are 86 fields in the result set so i do 
this 85 more times




                        StepStartTime = DateTime.Now;

                        _logger.Write("ARCHIVING of " + _tableName + " 
Started", 2);

                        // I get the Enumerator of the results so I can iterate 
over them

                        _iEnumerator = en.GetEnumerator(); 

                        while (_iEnumerator.MoveNext())



                              var rec = ((TABLE_A_DTO)_iEnumerator.Current);

                              command.Parameters[0].Value = rec.TABLE_A_ID;


                                    // I do this 85 more times for each 


                              rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                              totalUpdated = rowsAffected + totalUpdated;


                              if (rowsRead % 1000 == 0)

                                    Console.Write(totalUpdated.ToString() + 


                              if (rowsRead % m_recordBufferCount == 0)


Rows Archived = {0}, Elasped Time {1}", totalUpdated.ToString("N0"), 
Utils.GetElapsedTime(DateTime.Now - StepStartTime)), 3);

                                    StepStartTime = DateTime.Now;




Is the .NET Provider that slow? I am sure that the Database Configuration has 
something to do with the performance, but If that is true I expected that the 
Delphi Application show performance results on par with the .NET performance.


Am I doing something blatantly wrong code? I would hate to go back to my Boss 
and tell them that if performance is a factor we need to continue with Delphi.


If this open source .NET Provider is not the "fastest on the Block", are there 
any other 3rd party Libraries that I can use with .NET that you would 
recommend? Even if it a commercial product?





Edward Mendez 


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