Thinking more about it. Maybe the ctor should be only with optional 
FbConnection and the rest can be done via SqlStatements property. Then it's not 
tied to FbScript at all. 

Maybe then the FbStatementCollection can have a simple "helper" method 
"Add(FbStatementCollection)" (or something like that). Then it would look like:

var batchExecution = new FbBatchExceution();
batchExecution.Statements.Add(script.Results); //maybe rename Results > 

Looks good to me.

Mgr. Jiří Činčura
Independent IT Specialist

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jiří Činčura
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 3:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: FbBatchExecution
> Hi guys,
> Looking at FbBatchExecution's ctor I don't see a reason why it takes
> FbScript. It should rather be FbStatementCollection I think. The
> FbBatchExecution is doing nothing with the FbScript. It just needs
> commands.
> What do you think? I would add another overload to ctor and make the one
> with FbScript obsolete.
> --
> Mgr. Jiří Činčura
> Independent IT Specialist

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