On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:40:58AM -0300, Maximiliano Robaina wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm try to run a django application on Windows 2003 server, Apache 2.2
> (wsgi module enabled), Python 2.7
> I use django-firebird backend which use kinterbasdb, then I install it
> from:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/firebird/files/firebird-python/kinterbasdb%203.3/kinterbasdb-3.3.0.win32-py2.7.msi/download
> If I run my webapp from django server it works fine, but if I run from
> apache, I get a DLL load failed error. It seems like python has not
> found fbclient.dll.
> What am I doing wrong ?
> How can I solve this ?

I don't know where it searches for dll but you can try to put fbclient.dll in 

Also it would be good to post the full apache log error

Also you can try to add fbclient.dll to the path in the wsgi script 


> Thanks in advance.
> Maxi.

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