
It seems you don't have Firebird client library installed, do you? If 
it's installed, then the problem is that FDB can't find it. If you're on 
Windows, try reinstall Firebird and check the option to copy client 
library to Windows/System directory (recommended on Vista/7), or copy it 
there yourself (XP).

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 23.5.2012 18:53, chrisbaldwin5339 napsal(a):
> Unfortunately I am very new at Python programming.
> I have been trying to install fdb 0.7.2 and keep getting the same error.
> I have used the usual 'python install' and it keeps returning the 
> following message regardless of which version I try.
> File "c:\python27\lib\ctypes\", line 353, in __init__
>    self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
> TypeError: expected string or Unicode object, NonType found
> Basically, I have been tearing what little hair I have left after 30 years in 
> this business out!
> Does anyone know where I am going wrong?
> Regards
> Chris

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