Hi (again),

Testing django-firebird I caught this error:

Error while executing SQL statement:\n- SQLCODE: -303\n- Incompatible 
column/host variable data type\n- Dynamic SQL Error\n- SQL error code = -303\n- 
conversion error from string "2012-10-10 16:34:30.072356"', -303, 335544569)

(BTW, I can found what -303 is)

The sql statement is:

VALUES ('239a187593169b5b12cac16fbb19032c', 
'ZTliNzMyZTU4MWZkODI0ODg4ZTM5MzQ3Yzk4YzdlYmQ4ODkzNWE0ODqAAn1xAS4=', '2012-10-10 

Then, I run this sql on FlameRobin and I get a different error code:
SQL Message : -413
Overflow occurred during data type conversion.

Engine Code    : 335544334
Engine Message :
conversion error from string "2012-10-10 16:34:30.072356"

So, two questions:

1. What is the real error code -413 or -303?

2. What is the best approach to resolve this? Replaces 6 digits microseconds to 
4 digits allowed in Firebird?



b: http://maxirobaina.tumblr.com
t: http://twitter.com/maxirobaina

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