2012/10/10 mariuz <mar...@mariuz.android-dev.ro>

> **
> I have updated the Firebird page in the python wiki
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/Firebird
> Please fix any mistakes
this :


   Python driver binary distribution available for : Windows ,Fedora ,
   Debian, Ubuntu (in
   , but you can to compile for other platforms :
   the Howto install it on ubuntu from source.

is not accurate
it talks about kinterbasdb it seems

for your information and for what I know :
kinterbasdb is packaged in official repositories for Fedora, EPEL (RHEL and
Centos), Mageia, Debian, Ubuntu
fdb  is packaged is packaged in official repositories for Mageia (Fedora
will come as soon as as can)
pyfirebirdsql <http://nakagami.github.com/pyfirebirdsql/> is packaged in
official repositories for Mageia (Fedora will come as soon as as can)

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