I have the step with the crash i will try to dump the sql , python trace of 
that step 

--- In firebird-python@yahoogroups.com, Pavel Cisar <pcisar@...> wrote:
> Dne 26.2.2013 22:57, mariuz napsal(a):
> > apt-get install python2.7-dbg
> > apt-get install libfbclient2-dbg
> >
> > and then i migrated from mezzanine 1.3 to 1.4.2 latest
> > django 1.5
> > fdb latest
> > django-firebird latest
> >
> > here is the stacktrace
> > https://gist.github.com/mariuz/5042602
> I meant stack trace from Python, not gdb :) anyway, this helps a bit. 
> Now we know it's about failing fetch operation (in firebird source 
> ../src/remote/interface.cpp:1899) in context of 
> add_field_threadedcomment_rating_count migration step.
> Could you please check what the migration app does in this step? What 
> calls and data are sent to fdb ? I would be difficult for me to 
> reproduce, as I don't use Ubuntu/Debian, neither django & mezzanine.
> Pavel Cisar
> IBPhoenix

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