
That's strange. Could you try it:

a) WITHOUT the name. i.e. trace_id=  svc.trace_start(trace_config)
b) WITH explicit database name specification in config, For example

trace_config=  """<database *>
enabled true
log_connections true
log_transactions true
log_statement_finish true
time_threshold 0


trace_config=  """<database mydatabase.fdb>
enabled true
log_connections true
log_transactions true
log_statement_finish true
time_threshold 0

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Dne 23.10.2013 11:41, Harriv napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I tried to get trace log from Python application, but haven't yet
> succeeded. I'm using Python 2.7, Firebird 2.5.2 and FDB 1.4. This is
> what I tried:
> |>>>  import  fdb
>>>>  svc=  fdb.services.connect(password='masterkey',  host='localhost')
>>>>  trace_config=  """<database>
> enabled true
> log_connections true
> log_transactions true
> log_statement_finish true
> time_threshold 0
> </database>"""
>>>>  trace_id=  svc.trace_start(trace_config,  'test_trace_2')
>>>>  svc.readline()
> |
> Program stops there, svc.readline never returns and I have to kil Python
> shell. Am I missing something or where do I go wrong?
> I also made this StackOverflow question:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19521998/how-to-use-firebird-audit-and-trace-services-with-python

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