
Dne 10.7.2017 v 20:28 at2tce3bx6dxq2hngnxe5xv74qhlsmeghchit...@yahoo.com 
[firebird-python] napsal(a):
> Hello,
>   I am finding fdb is 3-5 times slower than kinterbasdb.  (Try inserting 
> 100,000 rows into a simple table).  Is there any fix for this?  I've tried 
> both Windows and Linux clients against Firebird 2.5.4 on RHEL 6.

Are you using prepared statement or not? If you don't then it's the 
reason for performance difference as kinterbasdb uses internal 
optimization in Cursor to reuse executed statements while FDB does not 
(since version 1.4.2, you have to use prepared statements explicitly). 
See http://pythonhosted.org/fdb/changelog.html#version-1-4-2

best regards
Pavel Cisar
  • [fire... at2tce3bx6dxq2hngnxe5xv74qhlsmeghchit...@yahoo.com [firebird-python]
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      • ... at2tce3bx6dxq2hngnxe5xv74qhlsmeghchit...@yahoo.com [firebird-python]
        • ... Pavel Cisar pci...@ibphoenix.cz [firebird-python]

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