--- In firebird-support@yahoogroups.com, Thomas Steinmaurer <ts@...> wrote:
> >>        Pls have a look at the open source project
> >> http://symmetricds.codehaus.org/ for synchronization. I have been using 
> >> this
> >> for the last 2 years
> >> with Firebird database. This works fantastically. You can sync both ways, 
> >> HO
> >> to branch as well as branch to HO.
> >>
> >
> > Yet another option for me. I visited the link you mentioned and I am 
> > impressed with general Description. The idea of two tier replication is 
> > simply fantastic. Since you are using it for last two years can you give us 
> > general idea about it ? like how configuration is done, how is response 
> > time (since its in Java), Can it function with Delphi application ? etc. 
> > etc. Please also mention any problems you faced may be initially and 
> > resolved later.
> I'm not using it, but interesting products. Check out Firebird-specific 
> information here:
> http://symmetricds.codehaus.org/guide/2.4/html-single/user-guide.html#ap02-firebird
> A mandatory UDF library and limiting BLOB columns to 16K might be 
> show-stoppers.

Thanks Thomas Steinmaurer for making me aware of probable pitfall. regarding 
using this product, I was addressing Mr. Sudheer, It was not referring you. 
Anyways I will keep this option open as you have suggested, I will discuss with 
client and arrive at final decision. After all he is going to pay for licenses 
So his opinion is vital in going for a particular product. We will be just 
evaluating technical aspect of all probable solution and put forward a 
technical comparison as well cost benefit analysis, ultimately he has to decide 
who will own his Money. If he decides to drop the project all together, all our 
efforts are going to go to drain. What to do, its part of life, cant help, but 
we can at most put all our efforts in anticipation to to be successful. 

Thanks and warm regards

R. S. Patil

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