>Thank you, Svein. I think I will implement the "Default" solution since my 
>allows the end user to create ad-hoc queries (of sorts). I think setting the 
>default will
>produce fewer questions about why records are omitted. You are correct in 
>assuming that <unknown> is the same as empty.
>Would there be a problem in using Coalesce(...) in addition to setting the 
>values? I can't think of any, other than it may be overkill.

Well, using

SELECT Coalesce(FirstName, '')
FROM WorldTelephoneDirectory
WHERE Coalesce(FirstName, 'Homer') = 'Homer'

would do a natural scan, whereas

SELECT Coalesce(FirstName, '')
FROM WorldTelephoneDirectory
WHERE FirstName = 'Homer' or FirstName is NULL

might use an index. Other than that, the only thing I can think of would be to 
name your column, e.g.

SELECT Coalesce(FirstName, '') as FirstName

So, no real pitfalls, COALESCE is quite safe and straight forward to use, I 
even use it in JOIN clauses sometimes like

FROM MyMainTable MMT
LEFT JOIN MyFirstOptionalTable MFOT ...
LEFT JOIN MySecondOptionalTable MSOT ...
JOIN RequiredTable RT on RT.MyField = coalesce(MFOT.PrimaryKeyField, 


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