On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 10:35:18 +0100, Kjell Rilbe <kjell.ri...@datadia.se>
> Den 2011-11-09 10:31 skrev canacourse såhär:
>> Kjell,
>> Doesn’t using the dot separator imply that non us date formats are
>> being used? i.e. 07/11/2011 is interpreted as MM/DD/YYYY while 
>> 07.11.2011 is interpreted as DD/MM/YYYY?
> Sorry, I don't know. I just wanted to point out that there are different

> ways to interpret a date string and that you should make sure that your 
> date string is actually interpreted the way you intend. How you choose 
> to do this is up to you: try it out in your DB (recommended), read docs,

> ask here, ...
> You could for example try this:
> select cast ('6.11.2011 08:35:26' as timestamp) from rdb$database
> select cast ('6.30.2011 08:35:26' as timestamp) from rdb$database
> select cast ('30.6.2011 08:35:26' as timestamp) from rdb$database

Better just use timestamp '2011-06-30 08:35:26' or cast('2011-06-30
08:35:26' as timestamp), which should always work independent of the locale
of the server.


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