2011/11/28 greg_runnels <greg_runn...@yahoo.com>
> Yes, I tried the 32bit version. It hangs when I close the connection to the 
> database. And locks out any other attempt to make a connection. I don't seem 
> to have the problem with the 64bit version, but I can't seem to find a good 
> admin tool for the Mac OSX 64bit version. FlameRobin does not support it.
You are wrong
64bit IS the good candidate
MacOsX 10.7 is 64bits

if you want to use it with Flamerobin, or any old software that is
32bits, then install the dual arch client lib
that's easy, just use the "lipo" package
it is Firebird 64bits with client lib in both 64 and 32 bits

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