

I found I should add a "with check option" to the end of a updatable view in 
the introduction of FB2.0. Now my FB version is 2.5.

But the option requires a where sub-clause, and I don't know how to do.

And Now, I have a suppose on my trigger. For the Column YE is not be updated by 
user (it is non-visible for users), I want to strict the execution condition of 
the trigger through the Column. But how to write the condition?

if (updating or (deleting)) then
  /* if YE is modified then leave .... */
  /* it seems affect to the updating work */

--- In firebird-support@yahoogroups.com, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 03:11 AM 29/11/2011, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I try to update a column value in a trigger after updating a row, but it 
> >raises a error of too many concurrent execution of the same request.
> >I know this is caused by recursion, but I can't avoid it. 
> Yes, you can avoid it, as long as you are using Fb 2 or higher.
> >I want update a column value of all the rows which is after the updating 
> >rows.
> >
> >ID ---------- Num1 ---------- Num2 --------- YE
> >1  ----------  15  ---------- 25  ---------- 28
> >2  .......
> >3  .......-----------------------------------32 
> >4  ------------20 ----------- 35  -----------27 ---> 32+20-35 =27 
> >5
> >6
> >7
> >
> >if in row 4, then num1 or num2 is changed, then for the rows 4 to 7, 
> >the columns YE will be changed followed. 
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >The trigger is like this:
> >
> >
> >declare variable nID integer;
> >declare variable maxid integer;
> >
> >
> >  if (updating or (deleting) ) then
> >  begin
> >    select max(f_acd_id) from table1 into :maxID;   
> >    nid = old.f_acd_id;
> >
> >    while (nid < :maxid) do        
> >    begin
> >      select first 1 balance from fin_acc_cash_diary
> >             where f_acd_id < :nid
> >             order by f_acd_id desc
> >             into :ye;
> >
> >      update fin_acc_cash_diary
> >            set balance = :ye + new.num1 - new.num2 
> >            where f_acd_id = :nid;
> >      nid = :nid + 1;
> >    end
> >  end
> >
> >Looking forward to your help, thanks.
> There are a few things wrong with this approach.  As you've already found, 
> your attempt to use a trigger to perform DML on other rows in the same table 
> will just recurse indefintely until the limit (1000 executions) kicks in and 
> stops it. 
> Another thing that's wrong (or, rather, unwise) is assuming that the current 
> state of the table's data, as seen by your transaction, is the same as what 
> all other transactions are seeing.  In a multi-user system we depend on this 
> illusion for concurrency:  it's called "transaction isolation".  But 
> max(f_acd_id) as seen in your transaction is *not* the same as max(f_acd_id) 
> that another transaction is seeing, if you have multiple users modifying this 
> table.  Let's hope nobody cares too much about the synchronicity of the 
> calculated results you are storing there.
> Going back to the thing you are asking about, don't perform your updates by 
> updating or deleting into the *table* that owns this trigger.  Create an 
> updatable view on this table for exclusive use by this trigger - that is, a 
> single-table view with no computed or derived fields and having all 
> non-nullable columns present (plus any nullable ones you want, of course).  
> Then, write an after update or delete "do-nothing" trigger *for the view*, 
> e.g., 
> create trigger aud_vtable for vtable
> active after update or delete as
> begin
>   /*  */
> end
> The aud_ trigger on the table will need to be granted the necessary 
> privileges to update the view columns you want updated.  
> With this approach, in Fb 2.0 and above, the update or delete ops that are 
> executed from the table's  trigger will fire the view's aud_ trigger and the 
> table's aud_ trigger(s) will be bypassed.  That will block the firing of the 
> infinitely recursive trigger events that are happening with the DML callouts 
> you are doing currently on the parent table.
> If you are still using Fb 1.5, unfortunately this won't help:  in fact, it's 
> likely to make matters worse.  Fb 1.5 has a bug, whereby BOTH triggers would 
> fire and nothing gets blocked.  Not sure about 1.0...I have a vague 
> recollection the bug was introduced in Fb 1.5....maybe, maybe not.  It didn't 
> get fixed until v.2.0, anyway. 
> ./heLen

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