> <t...@iblogmanager.com>  wrote:
>>> select First 200 skip 0 .... from MyTable where c = XY and d = zw and A
>>>    >   x and b<   Z ... ORDERBY C, D
>>> what is the best :
>> Take an eye on the execution plan, I/O stats in the monitoring table or
>> via the trace api.
>> Btw, you know that with the usage of FIRST above, you probably won't get
>> your expected result?
>> You probably want to do:
>> select first 200 skip 0 ... from (
>>     select ... from order by c, d
>> )
> Are you sure? I would assume the ordering would be applied first, and only
> then would the first clause be applied.

I'm sure now that I was wrong. ;-) I stand corrected.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer (^TS^)
Firebird Technology Evangelist


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