
I've pondered on the problem for some time. All I was able to come up 
with was to add an extra insert at the end of the batch, with a 
"special" value in one of the fields, which would be recognized by the 
trigger and would cause it to execute its code (otherwise the trigger 
just exists immediately after being fired).
That's not a very elegant solution, though, but better than nothing.


On 2012-02-02 14:05, nathanelrick wrote:
> Hello,
> when i execute several insert (or update or delete), is it possible to create 
> a trigger that will be raise not on each insert/update/delete but at the end 
> of these "bulk" inserts ? i can off course call the stored procedure from the 
> program but for good database integrity i prefer that the database do it 
> itself ... i thing that their is no possibilities to do so but in case ....

__--==     Tomasz Tyrakowski    ==--__
__--==        SOL-SYSTEM        ==--__
__--== http://www.sol-system.pl ==--__

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