Em 19/4/2012 13:18, Tupy... nambá escreveu:
> MSSQL has two commands of the DBCC that allow to do defragmentation. The 
> defragmentation is not a garbage collection, but putting all parts of an 
> object (file or columns, hanging of the level - disc or DB) side by side, in 
> a way that the reading of data will be almost fast, because all data will be 
> found almost together. Normally,this is the way to have quick readings of 
> data. Garbage collection is like removing of erased data.
> As I quickly read at some PostGreSQL pages, VACUUM has to be a defragment 
> command for PostGreSQL.
> Since you know that you can make a defragment at Firebird making an DB 
> restore, you can make a restore and compare the reading times at the two 
> situations. If you have a meaningfull increase of readings speed (SELECT´s 
> and so on) after the restore, this will mean that your problem is of high 
> fragmentation.
> Also, after having made the restore, you can do a new backup and once again, 
> a second restore, and see if you have time reduce. At the first restore, the 
> time has to be long, but at the second, no more, because the second backup 
> will store defragmented data.
> If you can, let´s try.... till now, all I have are only theories. Your 
> results will be interesting for all of us.

I don't said the Garbage Collection is the same as defragmentation on 
MSSQL, I said that I don't know about PG, but I *think* VACCUMM is the 
same as FB Garbage Collection :) and I didn't say that I am sure about it

All the tests are done on freshly restore DB, so it's not "fragmented", 
the slowness is on back-up/restore of a freshly created test database.

In this moment I am doing tests with Carlos Cantu and Dmitry Kuzmenko, 
and the culprit so far is my machine, on their machine (both !) the 
restore took 3s in mine 10 minutes !

I am testing on ext3 and ext4 partitions and I will make more tests on 
another machine, so I can isolate hardware as a factor.

see you !

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