On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:39 AM, Elmar Haneke <el...@haneke.de> wrote:

>> Moreover, I can see that during the delays, the *outbound* link from the 
>> client is clicking over about 1 kbps for the entire period. It *appears* 
>> that the client is dribbling out information that the server is waiting on, 
>> although I can't imagine what it is.
> The client does fetch the resultset row by row. The Time sould be
> determined more by the size of result than by the complexity of query.

Actually that's not true for selects, though the client interface looks that 
way.  The remote protocol packs a buffer with data until it reaches a size or 
the client calls for the next packet.

Anything involving data change is more synchronous.

Good luck,


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