ma_golyo schrieb am 06.06.2012 um 11:45 (-0000):
> Running "gbak -c" does not create directories when not exists.
> How can I force to create directories? I cannot find any gbak swith
> which can help.

Forcing won't help - GBAK is not an eierlegende Wollmilchsau.

Use the command-line processor:

D:\MiLu\RepoHgSvn\comp\win\http :: more restore.bat
IF /I "%~x1" NEQ ".bak" GOTO:USAGE
IF /I "%~x2" NEQ ".gdb" GOTO:USAGE
IF    "%3"   NEQ ""     GOTO:USAGE

IF NOT EXIST "%~dp2" md "%~dp2"
gbak -c "%1" "%~f2"
echo ==== "%~f2"
dir "%~f2"

ECHO Usage: %0 path\to\my.bak path\to\my\restored.gdb >&2

REM -- Michael

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