After installation access right can be set up for Firebird. But directories 
needed not after the installation but in the future.

--- In, Milan Babuskov <milanb@...> wrote:
> ma_golyo wrote:
> > "what if Firebird on Linux is run under special account (as it usually
> > made by linux administrators)?" 
> > That is why I want/expect to create missing directory with Firebird/gbak. 
> > It can create file but not a directory?
> Actually, you cannot create "any" file by default. The only directory 
> where firebird has write access after installation is the directory 
> where Firebird is installed (/opt/firebird or different, depends on 
> distrubution and package you use).
> Creating directories for databases should really be done right after 
> Firebird is installed.
> -- 
> Milan Babuskov
> ==================================
> The easiest way to import XML, CSV
> and textual files into Firebird:
> ==================================

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