---------- Original Message -----------
From: K Z <peixinhosda...@yahoo.com>
> Is there a way to make something like this:
> query="where ID=10 and AGE >20";
> select * from TABLE :query;
------- End of Original Message -------

create procedure filtered_select (/* parameters, preferably NOT just a text 
version of your WHERE clause, as that would lead straight to SQL injection 
issues */ 
 param1 integer, 
 param2 varchar(100) default NULL,
 param99 integer default NULL
/* if you place your most-used parameters first, and set the subsequent ones to 
have a DEFAULT, you can call this stored procedure without filling every 
parameter position */
) returns (
/* standard columns that would be coming back from select* */
 a integer,
 b integer,
 c varchar(100),
 z integer
) as
 declare variable this_query varchar(10000);
 declare variable this_filter varchar(10000);
 this_query = 'select * from blah';

 -- no escaping used here for integer fields
 if (param1 is not null) then
  this_filter = coalesce(this_filter || ' and ', '') || ' x = ' || param1;

 -- escaping for character fields
 if (param2 is not null) then
  this_filter = coalesce(this_filter || ' and ', '') || ' y = ''' || replace
(param2, '''', '''''') || '''';

 /* ... */

 this_query = this_query || coalesce(' where ' || this_filter, '');

 for execute statement :this_query into :a, :b, :c, ..., :z do 

select * from filtered_select(3 /* param2 has a default of NULL if not passed 

-- Note: no differentiation between "want to search for NULL" and "do not want 
to filter by this parameter"

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