Em 9/8/2012 17:03, Sergio escreveu:
> Hello! I'm trying to do a trigger to maintain a history table. I'm using (for 
> the first time!) execute statement. What I want to do is very simple: if a 
> field change I save the old value in the history
> When I execute the trigger I get an error:
> Invalid token.
> Dynamic SQL Error.
> SQL error code = -104.
> Token unknown - line 1, column 1.
> if.
> I'm sure I'm using "execute statement" in the wrong way !!!
> this is the trigger:
> CREATE OR ALTER trigger tlm_maestro_au0 for tlm_maestro
> active after update position 0
> AS
> declare variable loc_nuevo_id id;
> declare variable loc_ejecutar descripcion_larga;
> begin
>      loc_nuevo_id = gen_id(gen_tlm_maestro_hist,1);
>      insert into tlm_maestro_hist (id,modificado) values (:loc_nuevo_id, 
> current_timestamp);
>      for
>      select
>          'if (new.' || trim(rdb$field_name) || ' is distinct from old.' || 
> trim(rdb$field_name) ||
>          ') then update tlm_maestro_hist set ' || trim(rdb$field_name) || ' = 
> old.' || trim(rdb$field_name) || ' where id = :loc_nuevo_id;'
>      from
>          rdb$relation_fields
>      where
>          rdb$relation_name = 'TLM_MAESTRO'
>      into
>          :loc_ejecutar
>      do
>      begin
>        execute statement loc_ejecutar;
>      end
> end
There is no IF fucntion in FB, did you meant IIF ???

see you !

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