A good suggestion, it´s possible this will correct the problem.
I will try later.

From: Mark Rotteveel <m...@lawinegevaar.nl>
To: firebird-support@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Re: Not visible columns

On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 07:01:50 -0700 (PDT), Tupy... nambá
<anhangu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Lester,
> I was sure that nothing was wrong with my DDL command, because at the
> DB I created a RH_Cargos2 with the rest identical and the table was
> without problems.
> You used my script (DDL command) and you could manage the table with
> Flamerobin, but I also could use it with EMS, as told above. 
> I don´t believe that the problem is of EMS because, as I also told, for
> the same table, the problem also happens with ErWin. I believe there is
> something miss with my DB. Or, under unknown conditions, sometimes this
> happens, sometimes it does´nt happen.
> Personally, I believe something happened to the system tables of my DB.
> And I have the impression that Firebird have some
informations replicated
> at system tables, and at design time (running DDL´s), they are got off
> place, and at SQL commands, this information are got from other place ou
> system tables. 
> But, I see no one has idea about what is happening. Thanks to all, I
> survive !

Does the problem continue if you backup the database and restore it to a
different database file?




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