On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:44 AM, Maya Opperman <m...@omniaccounts.co.za>wrote:

> > I'd like both reads and fetches, with statistics
> >for a run of the subquery that's fast and one that's slow.   Did you mean
> >that computing one account balance involved forty-seven thousand indexed
> >reads?   That's some account!
> Yup. BUT, the weird thing is, it's that SAME account that is sometimes
> fast and sometimes slow. It just depends on what other table/account you've
> queried beforehand.

Right, but in order to understand why one is fast and one is slow, it would
be good to get statistics on a fast run and a slow one, regardless of which
account is actually being balanced.

> Max depth in the whole database is 3 ;-)


> >I'm sure you mentioned it somewhere, but what is the database page size?
> > And the cache size?
>         Page size               8192
>         Page buffers            1000  <<<< was 150, but I tried increasing
> to see if it would make a difference - it didn't seem to have any effect
>         Attributes              force write, no reserve
>          Sweep interval:         200000

Very odd..

Good luck,


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